Tag Archives: surplus value

Reduce Outrageously High, Unaffordable Comcast Bills

15 Feb

Dear Comcast Media Consumers:

Despite their recent corporate PR, it’s no surprise that consumer public opinion polls would recognize Comcast as the “The Worst Company in America“–an award bestowed by The Consumerist (Consumer Reports affiliate) in 2010. Incidentally, do you remember the YouTube video of a Comcast Technician falling asleep on the job (from the same hell they put their customers through)? The only thing that got better was their PR on the issue.

Comcast–being the monopoly media power of cable television and internet–has no problem raking in enormous profits despite widespread dissatisfaction. (Here’s a 2011 source on increasing surplus value at Comcast from the previous year.) That said, Comcast greed suffers no harm by letting you drastically reduce your monthly bill. Maybe you didn’t know that it is quite possible to negotiate lower rates with Comcast. The Retention Department can do wonders that “Customer Service” cannot, but you have to be willing to [make them believe you are ready to] cancel, Here are some resources to help you lower your outrageously high Comcast bill…

1.How to Negotiate for Lower Comcast Service Fees


2.How I Cut my Comcast Cable Bill by 33% (Without Losing Any Service)

3. My Comcast negotiating experience

4. Negotiating with Comcast for Triple Play

5.How to Negotiate a Lower Comcast Bill

6.How To Negotiate Your Phone and Cable Bill and Save Thousands of Dollars

7. How to get free Comcast Internet
Discussion on the topic: http://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/e37f9/screencap_of_the_how_to_get_free_comcast_internet/

Go forth and negotiate! And, if you end up with a story of success on lowering your outrageously high Comcast bill, please share it with us via email (XEFA663QODI@POST.WORDPRESS.COM).